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태국 1위, 한국 4위 국가별 행복순위

by 조니타이 2015. 3. 5.

According to the news organization, the leading five economies in the 51 ranked are respectively Thailand, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan — four of the five countries are located in Asia.

국가별 행복순위 태국 1위, 한국 4위

[조니 타이- 뉴스펌] 블룸버그통신이 '2015년 세계 국가별 고통지수(misery index)'를 추정해 3일 발표한 

The said countries are relatively happy in terms of consumer friendliness.

The two factors that make consumers unhappy are inflation and unemployment, and the degree of happiness is calculated and ranked according to what Bloomberg referred to as the “misery index.”

On the sazid index, Thailand and Switzerland scored lower than 2.5, while Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were rated from 2.5 to 5. The lower the misery index is, the happier the economy is, wrote Bloomberg.

국가별 행복 순위에서 태국이 1위, 한국이 4위를 차지했다.

고통지수는 경제 성장률과 실업률, 인플레이션, 은행 금리 등의 지표를 활용해 국민들이 피부로 느끼는 

경제적 삶의 질을 측정하는 지표다.

태국은 1%도 채 안되는 낮은 실업률과 안정된 인플레이션 등에 따른 것이며 지난해 군부 쿠데타 사태 이후 

정국불안이 완화된 것도 있고 전했다. 

In the entire Europe region, Switzerland continues to lead the other countries when it came to economical happiness, despite the controversy surrounding the Swiss National Bank earlier this year was widely reported by the media. According to the research done by economists, only 3.3 percent of the Swiss people may be out of a job this year, but the slight 0.9 percent drop in prices in 2015 may help when its currency surges in value; all elements making Switzerland the second happiest economy.

태국에 이은 2위는 스위스, 3위는 일본이 이름을 올렸으며 대만이 5위 덴마크와 중국이 

각각 6~7위를 기록했다. 

  Thailand's Extremely Low Unemployment Rate

Bloomberg also pointed out the surprising winner as a country that was not relatively rich compared to many others; the partial reason behind Thailand's triumph was credited to its extremely low unemployment rate of 1 percent, which in turn kept the country from inflation; yet Thailand still has a long way to go before it reaches the living standards of more developed economies, notes Bloomberg.

일본은 장기 침체 탈피, 인플레이션 회복, 고용시장 개선 등이 국민들의 행복감을 높이는 이유로 꼽혔다. 

일본의 실업률은 올해 3.5%로 지난해 3.6%에서 더 낮아질 전망이다. 중국 역시 경기둔화에도 불구하고 높지 않은 실업률과 낮은 물가로 선방했다. 

Third in the ranking, Japan has only recently loosened its grip in preventing deflation since the 1990's, and there may be around 1 percent of deflation in the country this year. The unemployment rate has improved as well, dropping 0.1 percent from 3.6 to 3.5 in one year.

미국은 빠른 경기회복세에도 불구하고 8위에 올랐다. 과거보다는 낮아졌지만 여전히 높은 실업률 등이 원인이다.

올해 미국의 1인당 국내총생산(GDP)은 노르웨이, 홍콩에 뒤질 전망이다.

조니 왈: 개인적인 생각이다. 태국의 행복지수가 높은 이유는 1%도 안되는 낮은 실업률도 있지만 95%가 넘는 국민이 믿는 불교의 종교적 영향도 한 몫 하는 것 같다.

뉴스출처: 아시아경제 & 타이완뉴스

China is ranked number 7, as Bloomberg pointed out that it has found relief in both inflation and unemployment, boosting it forward two places compared to last year.

The United States is still facing issues from job loss rates — the world's biggest economy is not the best in this field, but it is still ranked number eight among the 51 economies.

Numbers six to 10 are respectively Denmark, China, the U.S., Norway and Britain.
