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갤럭시노트2로 총알막고 목숨 건진 태국 경찰..

by 조니타이 2015. 3. 8.

A police sergeant senior major who was saved by his Samsung Galaxy Note 2 smartphone will get a free Samsung Galaxy S6 smartphone as a replacement, he said.

[조니 타이 - 뉘우스] 갤럭시노트2로 총알 막고 목숨을 건진 태국 경찰이 삼성전자로부터 갤럭시S6를 무상으로 교체받게 됐다.

Pol Maj Gen Sophon Thonglorm of Mae Rim police station in Chiang Mai was shot at by a suspect on Monday but the bullet hit his Note 2 phone he was carrying at the left side of his waist.

경찰 폴 마즈는 지난 2일 왼쪽 허리 부분에 총에 맞았지만, 몸에 지니고 있던 갤럭시노트2가 방탄역할을 해주면서 큰 부상은 당하지 않았다.

Although the bullet pierced through the phone, it had lost velocity and only slightly injured Sophon. The phone became completely unusable.

총알은 갤럭시노트2를 관통하기는 했지만 경찰에 치명상을 입히지는 못했다.

His photos and story went viral on Facebook and other online social networks. Sophon’s friends said he was saved by the “Luangpor Samsung”. The term “Luangpor” is used to call sacred amulets.

이 소문은 삼성전자의 태국 현지 법인인 삼성전자 타일랜드에까지 퍼졌고, 회사측은 경찰에 최근 공개한 갤럭시S6를 제공하기로 결정했다.

Eventually words reached Samsung Thailand that decided to hand over one of its latest smartphone models to the policeman.

폴 마즈가 기기를 수령할 수 있도록 방콕까지 오는 비용도 삼성측이 지원하기로 했다.

Sophon said Samsung Thailand contacted him, offering him a Galaxy S6 phone plus travelling expense for him to travel to Bangkok to receive it.

경찰 관계자는 "폴 마즈가 '루앙포(Luangpor) 삼성'으로 인해 목숨을 건졌다"고 말했다. 루앙포란 태국어로 '신성한 부적'이라는 뜻이다.

I accepted the offer. I’ll go to Bangkok to get it. I am very happy. I survived and Samsung attached importance to this,” Sophon recounted while attending a merit making ceremony at his police station on Thursday.

총에 맞았던 경찰 폴 마즈는 "갤럭시S6를 제공하겠다는 삼성측의 제안을 받아들였다"며 "삼성전자가 새 스마트폰을 주겠다고 나선 것에 대해 고맙게 생각한다"고 말했다.

“I am happy that Samsung will give me a new phone. I’ve shared this good news with my wife. Normally, I carry my phone at the left waist.

It was my luck that the bullet happened to hit the phone. I fell down and shot back at the guy.”Khaosod reported that Samsung will hand over the phone to the policeman at the Khaosod head office.

전 세계 동시 출시일은 다음달 10일이다.
