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PSY-싸이가 태국 방콕에서 대규모 콘서트를 개최한다고 합니다. ~ 대박!

by 조니타이 2012. 11. 21.

결국 PSY 싸이형님도 동남 아시아의 관문 태국 뱡콕을 외면하지 못했습니다.!  

강남스타일의 유투브 조회건 수가  미국 다음으로 태국이 가장 높습니다.  

강남스타일 조회건수 세계 2위를 기록한 태국…. !  한국  조회건 수보다 많은 조회 건수를 기록한 태국..


결국 PSY 싸이가 20121128 방콕에서 대규모 콘서트를 개최합니다. !  

소원이 이루어지는순간!!

( 소식은 방콕포스트 뉴스및 트위터, 페이스북, 그리고 기타 관련뉴스를 토대로 조니정이 작성합니다.)

34 한국인 래퍼 (본명: 박재상) 무엉통타니 SCG 스타디움 에서 3 좌석이 마련된  아시아 라이브 콘서

트를 개최합니다.

PSY-싸이  정말 바쁜 일정에도 불구하고 PSY 싸이를 초대하기 위해서 태국내 많은 사람들이 미국에서 정말 많은 노력을 기울였다고 합니다. 

정말 서해 번쩍 동해 번쩍 하는 홍길동이 아니신지? ㅎㅎㅎ  혹시 싸이형님이 내 블로그를 보는건 아닌지? ㅎㅎ

어느순간 마돈나 뉴욕 콘서트에 등장 하더니.. MC 헤머랑 말춤을 함께 추시고요..! 대박! 

처음 브리티니스피어스랑 말춤강의를 했을떄만해도 ~우~아! 소리가 저절로 나왔는데! 이제는  ㅋㅋㅋ 

그리고 오늘 유투브 조회건수 7억 건수를 돌파 하면서 8억뷰에 가까워지고 있다는 소식과 그리고 더불어 오빠는 

강남스타일 현아의 뮤직비디오가 일찌감치 1억뷰를 돌파했다는 소식이.... 완전 대박입니다. 

앞으로 싸이 그리고 현아 그다음 ....??  황민우군을 생각해봅니다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

그리고 아래는 방콕 포스트에 올라온 영문뉴스입니다.  완전 감동..!!! 

국제스타 싸이형님 태국방문시 꼭 ~ 뵙길 희망하면서..!! 

* 아 나 왜이러지? ㅎㅎ  레디가가, 마룬5  및 한국에 유명한 한류스타가 와도 설래지 않았는데..  !!!

싸이형님의 방문소식에 난 지금 강남에 있다. ㅎㅎㅎ 

Gangnam Style (กังนัม สไตล์) โกอินเตอร์แล้ว!! PSY เซ็นสัญญา Universal Music

Psy, whose dance hit single "Gangnam Style" sparked a global craze, has been confirmed to perform in Thailand on Nov 28, RS Fresh Air, the event-organising unit of entertainment company RS Plc, said.

The 34-year-old South Korean rapper (real name Park Jae Sang) will appear in the ”Gangnam Thailand Extra Live Concert”, which will be his first live concert in Asia, at the 30,000-seat SCG Stadium in Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi province, RS CEO Vinij Lertratanachai told a Channel 3 entertainment news programme on Tuesday.

Asked how he could get Psy, who will arrive Thailand on Nov 27, to accept his invitation despite his very tight schedule, Mr Vinij said his company together with Universal Music Thailand had spent two months in contacting the Korean singer and his management team in the United States.

(story continues below)





He said the most important reason for Psy and his team to respond to the invitation was because they wanted to join Thais in celebrating and sending good wishes to His Majesty the King on the auspicious occasion of his 85th Birthday on Dec 5. 

He said Psy’s presence will also be part of celebrations of the Loy Krathong Festival, scheduled for Nov 28 this year.  He will be joined by Thai rapper Joey Boy, Sing Nua Sua Tai, DJ SpiderMonkey and two other entertainers from South Korea. 

There is no admission charge because the concert is supported by eight sponsors including Air Asia, Yamaha, Coca-Cola and True Corporation, among others. Interested persons are encouraged to participate in activities organised by the sponsors or check out conditions laid out by each sponsor, Mr Vinij added.

News from : http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/322233/psy-gangnam-hits-thailand-nov-28

How to get free tickets for Gangnam Style Concert in Thailand

This afternoon there was a press conference about the upcoming concert featuring Psy and friends called “Gangnam Style Thailand Extra Live”. It will take place on Loy Krathong Day which this year is on 28th November 2012. I don’t have too many details yet but I can tell you that it will be held at SCG Stadium in Muang Thong Thani. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the concert starting at 7:30 p.m. Now comes the catch. You won’t be able to buy any of the tickets as it is FREE. I know that may sound like a good thing, but you need to get one of these “free tickets” from one of the sponsors. I am told that the main sponsors are: Chang, Air Asia, Tissie Cookies, Muang Thai Insurance, Siam Commercial Bank, Yamaha Motor, True Corporation and Coca-Cola.

At the moment I don’t know how all of  these sponsors are distributing these free tickets, but I will add the method below as and when I hear. If you hear too then please let us know in the comments.

