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Incheon Airport’s Duty Free Shop Hits 2 Trillion Won Sales Mark

by 조니타이 2014. 12. 24.

인천공항면세점 연매출 첫 2조원 돌파…4년째 세계 1위

인천국제공항 면세점 에어스타 애비뉴(AIRSTAR Avenue)가 또 한 번 세계 최초의 기록을 세웠다.

SEOUL, Dec. 24 (Korea Bizwire) – The duty free shop at Incheon International Airport accumulated more than 2 trillion won (US$1.8 billion) in sales this year, ranking first in the world.

The Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) announced that as of December 17, the sales volume of its duty free shop broke 2 trillion won for the first time in the world beating out its competitors such as Dubai airport and other mega-sized airports in Europe and North America.

The IIAC suggested that its success in overcoming fewer passengers and a smaller surface area than competing airports such as Dubai airport and Heathrow airport in London came from a customer-friendly shopping environment and sales experts in the shops.

매출 2조 원은 인천공항이 공항 면세매출 최고를 다투는 두바이 공항과 유럽, 북미지역의 대형 공항들을 모두 제치고 세계 최초로 달성한 기록이다. 두바이 공항, 히드로 공항보다 여객 수나 규모면에서는 작지만, 고객 친화적인 쇼핑환경과 전문적인 영업력이 매출 1위의 원동력이 된 것으로 분석된다.

Of note, Chinese customers contributed significantly to the 2 trillion won in sales, as they were responsible for 35 percent of all sales on an annual basis. The IIAC said that the convenient shopping facilities and customer-friendly services attracted Chinese travelers.

The Incheon airport duty free shop is unyieldingly maintaining first place in terms of sales among the world’s airports. Last year, it recorded around 1.9 trillion won (US$1.72 billion) in sales and it is expected to bring in 2.1 trillion won this year.

  인천공항 면세점은 지난해 약 1조 9천억 원(약 18억 달러)의 매출을 기록하며, 2011년부터 세계 공항 면세매출 1위 자리를 지키고 있다. 올해는 연말 기준 매출액이 약 2조 1천억 원에 달할 것으로 예상된다.

Park Wan-su, president and CEO of the IIAC, said, “Thanks to the interest and support from our customers, we could achieve this meaningful record for the first time in the world. We will keep providing the best service and products, differentiated events and shopping experience to our customers.”

By John Choi (johnchoi@koreabizwire.com)

The Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC) announced that as of December 17, the sales volume of its duty free shop broke 2 trillion won for the first time in the world. (image: Kobiz Media / Korea Bizwire)
